Dutch realizes The Lady has put Westerley under a collective delusion - in a world without memory, nothing is what it seems.
Awake from the memory matrix, Dutch is determined to wake her friends and stop The Lady, before it's too late.
After escaping The Lady's clutches and reuniting with Lucy, the Killjoy trio start to wonder if there is a traitor amongst them.
The Killjoy trio must figure out a way to breakout from an inescapable maximum security prison.
Dutch enters the deadly Supermax prison and fights his way to the top as he seeks a chance to take over the entire ship.
Dutch's prison takeover is thwarted by an unexpected hostage situation, leaving her, D'avin and John scrambling for a new plan.
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S05E01 19/07/2019
Run, Yala, Run
VotarDutch realizes The Lady has put Westerley under a collective delusion - in a world without memory, nothing is what it seems.